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Washington Unclaimed Money

What is Washington unclaimed money?

Washington unclaimed money includes assets that owners have left behind, whether they have passed away, moved, or lost contact with their financial institutions. Such assets include checks, bonds, stocks, bank accounts, social security payments, tax refunds, and items in safety deposit containers. Financial institutions are required to release control over these funds to the state governments if the owner loses contact with these assets.

Account owners, relatives, and next of kin are able to claim such lost assets and property. Unfortunately, many people don’t because the process is difficult and time-consuming or they don’t know that they are entitled to such assets.

How We Help Locate and Claim Washington Unclaimed Money

Unclaimed Money Discovery is a leader at linking owners entitled to Washington unclaimed money to their lost accounts. We utilize comprehensive searches for possible unclaimed assets. Our trained, accredited and experienced asset investigators are the best at finding lost assets.

At Unclaimed Money Discovery, we perform an initial free search for lost funds, and if the results are positive, you can choose whether you want to continue the search and paperwork on your own or continue working with our specialists. By trusting our expert asset investigators at Unclaimed Money Discovery, you will successfully gain ownership of unclaimed funds you are entitled to. For a low flat fee, we’ll perform more in-depth searches and help you finish all of the tedious government paperwork. See what we can do for you. Contact us today at (844) 988-6818 for more information.

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Navigating through extensive research and government paperwork can be overwhelming.
Whether you’re searching for unclaimed funds or discovering your family tree, we’re here to help you

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