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Tennessee Unclaimed Money

What is Tennessee unclaimed money?

Unclaimed money occurs when an owner losses touch with some financial instrument—such as a bank account, tax refund, stocks, bonds, social security payment, and more. This often happens when someone passes away, moves, or changes careers. If the financial institution cannot contact and locate the owner of the assets, these assets become unclaimed money and are turned over to appropriate state agencies.

Tennessee holds unclaimed money for indefinite periods of time. Because unclaimed money in Tennessee has no limit for claiming, thousands of accounts for unclaimed money remain in the state’s control at this very moment. This happens because people are unaware of these lost assets or do not know how to acquire them. 

How We Help You Find Tennessee Unclaimed Money

Unclaimed Money Discovery offers a variety of services to help you find your Tennessee unclaimed money. Our highly qualified asset investigators carefully search through state databases of unclaimed funds to help match clients with available accounts. We offer a free initial customized search. If this search returns any positive results, we offer you two options. You may continue the search and paperwork on your own to claim your assets. Or you can hire our expert investigators to conduct more in-depth searches and to help complete the necessary paperwork. We have helped many recipients locate and obtain ownership over Tennessee unclaimed money. Getting help from experts ensures the process will be thorough. Trust Unclaimed Money Discovery for gaining access to potential unclaimed funds accounts. Call (844) 988-6818 today for more information.

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