There’s a lot to love about living in the state of Washington. The weather is warm and often balmy while the abundant moisture ensures plenty of tall trees and green spaces. You run across friendly people everywhere you turn.
In fact, the only thing that could make your life in Washington State better would be a bit more money in your pocket, and thanks to that very state you just might be in luck. Like other states, Washington has compiled a large and ever-growing database of unclaimed property, and some of that loot just might belong to you. Here is how to find out:
1.Begin your search at the website the state of Washington has created to house its massive database. The URL for that website is
2.Enter your first and last name into the appropriate boxes if you are conducting a search for personal property. If you are looking for commercial property, enter the name of the business in the last name field.
3.You can narrow the search further by also including the name of the city or ZIP code where you live or where the property may have been held. If you have this information, entering it can make the results easier to read and sort through.
4.Review the list of results carefully, looking for any property that may belong to you. Be sure to check the database for property that may be held under your maiden name if you are married.
5.File a claim to ask for your missing money to be returned to you. Keep in mind you may be asked to provide additional verification to prove that you are the rightful owner of the property in question.
6.Check back at the website to see the status of your active claim. Depending on the workload at the state and the volume of claims received, it can take some time to get your funds, so be patient.
7.Enjoy your newfound money.
There are many reasons why money and other property might end up in the database maintained by the state of Washington. In some cases, banks will turn over their dormant accounts after all efforts to contact the depositors have been exhausted. State tax refund checks might end up there when their owners fail to cash them. Insurance proceeds and inheritances may also end up in the database, and in many cases, the owners may not even know the money is theirs.
No matter how the money ends up there, however, Washington State is just a caretaker, and they want to reunite you with the money you are due. Now that you know how to conduct a search, why not help them out by staking your claim and grabbing your share of that missing money?
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