There’s a lot to love about living in Oregon. From the beauty of its coastline to the stunning majesty of its forests to the thriving nightlife of its cities, this state clearly has a great deal to offer.
If you live in Oregon, you already know how great it is, and if you grew up here you retain pride in the place you come from, even if you have since moved away. No matter what the situation, wouldn’t it be great if you found some extra cash?
Thanks to Oregon and the database of unclaimed property it maintains, those dreams of extra money could come true, and all it takes to find out is a single online search. Here are the steps you can take to search for unclaimed property in Oregon and stake your claim if you find it.
1.Begin your search for unclaimed property at the website the state maintains for this very purpose. The website address is
2.Locate the easy search form on the page. The form is located approximately halfway down the page.
3.Enter your first and last name into the search form. Click the Search button to complete your search.
4.Review the list of unclaimed property results carefully. Depending on how common your name is, the list of results may be quite long, so take your time and look for property that could belong to you.
5.If you are married, search using your maiden name as well. This could reveal additional search results to sort through, so take your time -- you do not want to miss out on any free cash.
6.Complete the claim form for any property you think maybe yours. Take note of the documentation you will be required to provide. You will need to prove that you are the rightful owner of the property before the state will turn it over.
7.Check the status of your claim from time to time to see if additional information is needed. It can take some time to process the claim, so be patient and think about all the great things you can buy once the money is in your account.
8.Enjoy your newfound wealth.
If you are wondering why Oregon has so much unclaimed property in its database, the answer is multifaceted and often complicated. In some cases, the property in question is a bank account, one that was allowed to go dormant when the original depositor could not be contacted. In other cases, there may have been a will, but the next of kin named could not be found. In other cases, tax refund checks were never cashed, or the proceeds of an insurance policy were never reaped.
No matter what the situation, that cash and property is still there, just waiting to be reunited with its rightful owners. If you are one of those rightful owners, following the steps outlined above could fatten your wallet and swell the pride you feel as a current or former resident of Oregon.
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